Avoid Common Scams

Online scammers are always inventing new ways to take our money. But, they also stand by a few tried-and-true tactics.

Top 5 Reasons for a Redesign

Ok, so you already have a website. It has served you well for awhile, but you feel like it’s getting a bit stale. The trouble is, you’re not sure whether a redesign is worth the investment. Here are five times when it’s probably a good idea to start the redesign process.

What’s Behind That Wall?

Newspapers are once again charging for online content. The question is, are we willing to pay for it?

15 Years in Web Design

Web design has changed a lot since I began my career. Let’s take a look at how some things have changed for the better.

Great WordPress Designs in Blue

Unlike some other Content Management Systems, WordPress doesn’t limit how creative you can be with the look of your company’s website.


Social Media Faux Pas

It’s not hard to make a critical mistake when using social media.┬á Just ask this police chief…

Eric Karkovack Web Design Services, LLC